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  • Icon for "Exclusive business pricing". Exclusive Business Pricing
    Get access to special pricing designed exclusively for professionals. Benefit from cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality.
  • Icon for "Volume discounts". Volume Discounts
    Increase your savings as you scale up. Our volume discounts reward larger purchases, making bulk buying more economical.
  • Icon for "Customized solutions". Customized Solutions
    Benefit from personalized service and support, with a dedicated team ready to help you find the perfect solutions for your business challenges.
Visolva product image of the Visolva Flow siphon.

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Why Partner with Visolva?

  • Icon for "Quality assurance". Quality Assurance
    Rigorous standards and production in Switzerland ensure durable and reliable products.
  • Icon for "Scalability". Scalability
    Solutions designed to grow with your needs, from small upgrades to large-scale installations.
  • Icon for "Expertise". Expertise
    Extensive industry knowledge and solid expertise in product development.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I register as a partner?

Registering as a business customer unlocks exclusive pricing, volume discounts, and customized solutions tailored specifically for your company, helping you save more and find the right products for your needs.

Is there a cost to register as a partner?

No, registering as a business customer is completely free and provides access to all the exclusive benefits tailored for your company.

How does Visolva ensure the quality of products for partner?

Visolva is committed to maintaining high standards in product quality. All products are rigorously tested and certified to ensure they meet industry standards, providing you with reliable and durable solutions for your business.
In addition, we offer a 10-year guarantee on the Visolva Flow siphon.

What industries does Visolva cater to with its business solutions?

Visolva provides tailored solutions for a variety of industries, including residential construction, commercial facilities, plumbing, healthcare and more. Our products are designed to meet the specific needs of each sector.